The job hunt often begins enthusiastically. Your first online search yields a long list of results and it’s difficult to decide what to apply for first. Things look promising! But if you aren’t one of the lucky ones who strike out early, it’s probable that your motivation for completing endless job applications will dwindle. And not only that, if you’re not currently working, you will likely need something to present itself soon in order to pay the bills.
I’ve met many people who won’t consider temporary or contract roles – for two main reasons: 1 – they’re holding out for their dream job, and 2 – they’re afraid that short-term roles will reflect negatively on their CV. However, not only does practicality step in where temping solves an immediate need for an income, but it can in fact enhance your resume in ways you might not have considered.
For example, not only can temp work provide flexible and instantaneous employment, it also enables you to gain skills and take on new challenges that will help you expand on the experience section of your CV.
From personal experience, after I was made redundant, temping allowed me to return to the workforce almost immediately where I was able to explore new industries, without the commitment of signing up to something permanent. Over the years, these varied assignments and contracts have allowed me to serve VIP clients in silver service dining, assist clients with consolidating their superannuation funds, manage an autographing station attended by tennis players during the Australian Open, manage the rosters of respite care workers to meet the needs special needs patients, write and publish gig reviews for an entertainment website, and so much more.
These short term contracts have allowed me to answer ‘yes’ when jobs have asked for experience in answering switchboards, managing people, rostering, cold calling, working in high pressure environments, working with confidential information, flexibility with regards to work hours and working to deadlines. Experience I never would have gained if I had remained with the same employer all that time.
Perhaps these experiences and skills have been gained all over the place, but is this necessarily a bad thing? Consider that this experience also demonstrates an ability to learn quickly, to fit into new and diverse environments and to cope with constant change. Temping can also provide a ‘try-before-you-buy’ style experience, which is invaluable if you are still figuring out your chosen career path.
Still not sure? Consider this. I’ve never taken on a temp role where the employer hasn’t offered to take me on permanently. So, get in the door, prove your worth, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and be flexible and adaptable, and that temp job could become the dream job you were looking for all along. All without the lengthy application and interview process!
Want to know more?
Yes, I hear you say, of course we will say that…we’re in the business of recruiting! However, don’t just take it from us, here are some interesting articles from some key business journals:
Why temping is good for your career – Fox Business
Why temporary work is worth it – Forbes