How to Regain Your Motivation

Everyone has times where they find themselves disinterested in their job. Whether it is a lack of direction, repetition or some other reason, it is a normal reaction to have after settling in.  The problem is, we become less productive in this state, often finding ourselves looking for a new role when it may not be the right solution.

Below are some of Plan B’s recommendations for how to troubleshoot your inert feelings and revamp your outlook:

Take a Holiday

When was your last break? Sometimes we need to get out of a funk and the best way to do that is to take some me-time. Go away or stay in. Either way, step back from your work and take care of yourself for a while.

Enjoy a Team Night Out

If you’re motivated when you’re happy, then connect with those around you. Team nights bring you closer and allow you to brainstorm ideas for overall workplace improvement. Sometimes knowing you’re a part of a team is all the push you need to re-motivate.

Reinvent Your Role

You love your job and aren’t in a position where you’re ready to move forward or move out. What can you do? Change the way you do it! Streamline processes, add in additional responsibilities or set new performance indicators. Find new ways to challenge yourself and grow.

Adjust Your Plan

Are you working towards a goal and getting nowhere? It may be time to discuss with management how you can revamp your plan to ensure you’re not stuck at a brick wall.

Set a New Goal

It may be the case that the goal you had in mind no longer interests you. In that case, who could blame you for not being motivated? Take the time to think deeply about what would make you happy and replan your career. It may be the case that your current organisation no longer aligns with your new goal or that you want to move into a new department. Make the moves you need to motivate yourself.

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