Job Hunting This Holiday Season

Some people will say it is far too soon to be talking about Christmas. Usually I would agree, however in the recruitment world, it is perfect timing.

As Christmas approaches, the job market changes considerably. Organisations either increase efforts or postpone their recruitment of new starters, leaving job seekers in an awkward limbo.

Many companies have a shutdown period over Christmas which makes recruiters squeamish. Starting a new employee just before a large break often results in training and inductions being forgotten or less successful. Some will postpone start dates until offices reopen and others will simply halt all recruitment.

Personally, I started with Plan B Recruitment just after New Year’s for this very reason.

If you’re looking to start the new year with a new role, now is the time to increase your job hunting activities. By applying and actively seeking positions now, you will be in a prime position to handle and accept offers as well as start and receive adequate training before the holidays.

Below are three considerations you need to make in order to job ready over the holiday season:

  1. Know what you want and need.
    It is a busy, rushed time. Projects are being finalised, the business is preparing to close, recruitment is one hassle they don’t want to deal with. Make sure you are clear about what you want in your new role so that no time is wasted. Discussing expectations openly throughout the process will ensure no surprises will derail the opportunity.
  2. Be prepared to take unpaid leave.
    Many organisations shutdown over the holidays and will likely recommend you take leave over Christmas. If you have only just started and haven’t had time to accrue annual leave, this usually means unpaid leave. If you’re not in a position where this is feasible, then reassess whether this is the best time to job hunt.
  3. Get applying!
    The closer to the holidays we get, the less time there is to get through the recruitment process, wait out notice periods and get trained in your new role. By beginning your search now, you will find you have a greater chance of having a smooth transition and starting the new year in your dream job.

If you’re looking into new job opportunities before Christmas, contact us or visit our Jobs page to see our current vacancies.

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