It’s always a bittersweet day when you say goodbye to a wonderful team-mate that has been instrumental to the growth and success of your business. Today was one of those days.
Kate Smeaton started with Plan B in January 2018 as a Resourcing Consultant, and fast became a favourite with candidates and client thanks to a determined and results-focussed attitude. Our Gen X and Millennial workplace music tastes never quite met, with our aural odyssey resulting in a playlist as being a strange place between John Mayer, Tame Impala, Khalid and The Smiths. Work wise, the generational gap was not such an issue – Kate’s maturity and professionalism at such a young age was a joy to behold.
Kate’s now moving into her vocational direction of PR/Comms & Digital Marketing, in the ‘Silicone Alleys’ of Cremorne. I dearly wish her all the best.
With one door closing, another one opens (as they say!). Kate’s worked closely in handing over the reigns to our new Resourcing Consultant Ashleigh Sperlinga, who no doubt will bring her very own style to the table. We’ve already agreed that John Mayer won’t get much of a run in the office, but you never know when nostalgic afternoon will do him a favour.