When looking for work, there are times where you receive no offers and times where you receive multiple at once. Sometimes these offers and roles are going to be amazing, but this isn’t always the case. There will be times where the only offers you receive are either paying substantially less than you’d hoped, with organisations you don’t want to work for or full filling a role you simply do not want to do.
Depending on your current situation, a bad offer can appear better than no offer at all. When you’re down in the dumps about your job search, accepting a bad offer may seem like a good enough decision. Before accepting anything, it is worthwhile thinking about your options. Is it possible to find temp work and wait for a better position? Are you able to negotiate on the offer? Do you realistically foresee a better offer? Have you spoken with your recruiter about the job market? Considering the situation and options will help you to make an informed decision.
It isn’t uncommon for recruiters to see candidates accept offers they don’t love and then begin job seeking again in a few months time. I often see applications from candidates I have met in the past who were in situations where they were willing to take any offer put to them. The unfortunate truth is that your initial instinct about a role is probably right. If you think the company is a poor culture fit, or that the role sounds boring, you are probably right.
Job seeking is hard and tiresome. Having to repeat the process every few months after making poor choices will not only impact your stability, but also how your CV is perceived. A failure to commit to permanent roles, whatever the reason may be, leaves employers feeling cautious. It is easy for an employer then to assume you will only have a short tenure with the company and if they are looking for someone to stay onboard for a few years, they may decide to go with another applicant with a more stable history.
Sometimes having a small gap in the CV is worth it. Saying no is okay. If your instincts tell you this isn’t right, trust yourself and wait for the job you really want.