Social Media in the Workforce

It would be a revelation to none to say that the Internet is how employers are meeting and assessing potential employees. While the majority of Australians will troll Seek and other job boards to find new opportunities, it is worth noting that perhaps the most powerful tool at your fingertips is your social media accounts.

Depending on how you use your social media, it may or may not be appropriate to add links on your CV. The role you are going for should be able to guide you as to what platforms you want your employer to judge you on, in the best possible light. If you’re an accountant, your potential boss will probably care more about what you’re sharing on your LinkedIn and perhaps Twitter than your Instagram. If you’re looking for a role in marketing however, your ability to brand across multiple social media platforms will most likely be highly regarded and linking your WordPress, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube channels will probably do you a world of good (provided you’re not posting anything too controversial). Adding links to your social media will give future employers an insight into how you communicate and how likely you are to fit in with the team and the organisation as a whole.

Sites like LinkedIn and Twitter are allowing professionals to connect, share useful information and develop strong relationships. By using your social media effectively, you should be able to attract potential connections in the same industry that can be used down the track when you’re looking for a new role. According to a recent study by Sensis, 79 per cent of Australians are using social media so the chances of being found by a future employer are higher than ever. It is no longer a platform used primarily by teens and young adults; it is accessed by the general population and used as a tool in marketing, education and networking more than ever. The old saying “it’s not what you know it’s who you know” still stands true when looking for work. Coming personally recommended by a current employee, a recruiter or another internal connections would differentiate you from other applicants.

If you’re looking to build a strong professional network, log in to all of your accounts and get active. You may not need it now but it is the way of the future.



Sensis (2017) Sensis Social Media Report 2017, accessed on the 19th of March 2018


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