Christmas time has been and gone, New Year’s celebrations have left us all a little worse for wear. Now, as we drag our feet back into the office, it is time for some New Year workplace inspiration.
Conquering all of your 2019 goals takes time, determination and most importantly, planning. By using the quiet first few weeks back to organise yourself, you will find better success in achieving your targets. Below are 3 actions you should take in January to prepare for 2019.
Re-organise your desk.
New Year, new me, right? Feng Shui your desk and clear your mind. Having a clean and organised work area reduces the amount of distractions that are derailing your work. If 2019 is going to be your year, you need to remain focused. Include a plant on your desk and remove any non-essentials. If you use an item sporadically, maybe leave it in the supply room so it isn’t cluttering your space.
Set aside time for projects.
If you have aspirations to make a difference through your work, you must take action. January is typically a quiet time of the year and the perfect time to start new initiatives. Schedule time each day or week to complete work projects that are going to make an impact on the business. Improving the business will showcase your capabilities and even lead to new opportunities.
Get your work/life balance in order.
If there are any steps you can take to make your life easier, action it. It could be as simple as diverting a portion of your salary into a separate savings account or, setting yourself up to work from home occasionally. Whatever you can do to improve your work and home life balance, invest the extra 1 hour and reap the rewards.