The Recruiter/Barista Relationship

One can’t overstate the fact that we Melbournians are quite particular about our coffee.  When you break it down, it’s the bean origins, the temperature, the volume, the texture, the flavour and above all else: the person who makes it for you.  I know that if I visit a cafe where I’ve had a connection with the Barista, and the coffee has been spot on to request – I’ll definitely be back & will tell others about the experience.

And so it is with recruitment consultants & the agencies they represent.  The good consultants are the ones who know you well, have served you for a long time & will seek any way to keep you satisfied & coming back again – much like a good barista. This has been my experience in working within a boutique environment.

All too often we hear from candidates & clients as to how their experience has been poor with the ‘big’ recruitment firms. In a juxtaposition to how your relationship with a tried, true and passionate Barista, the big agency experience is more akin to your relationship with the guy or girl in the drive-thru window at your local McDonalds. It’s transactional, short-term and empty.

Given – it’s not easy for a ‘big firm’ consultant to get long term business-to-business relationships – if you are not reaching your sales targets quickly, you’re out the door. Any good relationships you’ve started creating are thrown out the window, which hurts both candidates & clients in the long term. Sadly there are all-too-many recruitment firms who are only interested in what can be revenue can squeezed out of a client in the short term.

Anyway – All this coffee talk has done it… I’m off to grab a quick latte from our favourite baristas Andrew & Kay (pictured above) at The Elephant Stamp here at 9 Yarra St.

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