Permanent work isn’t always possible for everyone. Whether it is due to Visa restrictions, personal limitations or simply a short term financial solution while looking for permanent work, temping is a great way to build experience, skills, diversity and, let’s be honest, income.
Whatever the reason behind needing temp work may be, there are a few things to consider before signing up with a temp agency:
What hourly rate do I need?
Need is a key word here. Temp agencies get various hourly rates, so we need to know what your bottom line is. Setting the bar high may mean you miss out on calls for roles that you may love and may result in your job search being stretched out.
What length of assignment am I comfortable with?
Temp roles can be for one day or ongoing, there is no cookie cutter fit. It is important to understand that despite no lock in contracts, temping is still commitment. If you’re looking for a permanent role, it may be unwise to sign up for an longer term temp assignment in the event that a permanent job becomes available before then. If you’re on a Working Holiday Visa and are planning on doing farm work in the near future, it is best not to commit to 6-month assignments. Knowing what you can and can’t commit to will make your search easier.
What locations am I willing to travel to in the short or long term?
Even though we now live in a ‘Work from Home’ world, many companies will want you to come in to the office fairly regularly. Living 5 minutes from work is great – but unfortunately, most of us will always have some form of a commute. When temping, it is good to know where is too far for you to travel. For a 1-week role you may be open to driving 90 minutes each way, but long term that just wouldn’t work. Understanding where you can and can’t work will also help to focus your search.
How many agencies will I sign with?
Having multiple agencies may seem like a brilliant idea: each agency gets different roles so there are more people out looking for you. Whilst this is true, it is important to consider how difficult it is to balance this and not burn bridges or appear unreliable. Once you commit to an assignment, it is important to let all other agencies know you won’t be available for however the long the assignment lasts. Not letting them know can result in some very awkward conversations. Agencies may still call however and try to offer you other positions, however leaving a temp assignment for a better offer again lends itself to the idea that you’re not a reliable candidate, in turn, burning bridges.
There are plenty of things to think about when signing up for temp work and if you need any advice, please reach out to us here at Plan B Recruitment.
We have regular tempoary roles open and we’re only too happy to hear from you!