Tips for your first day

The night before starting any new job is always filled with anticipation, excitement and, unfortunately, nerves and anxiety. There are a lot of worries that everyone has before their first day. Some worry about fitting in with a new team and being liked, others worry about their performance and not knowing what to do.

Working in recruitment, we experience first days every week vicariously through our wonderful temp team and permanent starters. From that, we know quite a lot about what you can do to make your first day go as smoothly as possible. Here is the best advice for your first day we can give you…

Know the company

Your research into the company should have been done before interviews but this is a great time to brush up on your facts, review your PD and become as familiar with the company as possible.

Get there early

It is a cliché worth mentioning. Showing up 5 minutes early will always leave a good first impression. It shows you are punctual, eager and that you genuinely care.

Bring a notebook

From the get go, you should be taking notes. Companies invest a lot of money into inductions and by showing that you take the process seriously, you’ll be winning serious brownie points.

Ask questions

No one expects you to know every detail on your first day. Asking questions is normal, and now that you have a notepad, you can write up all the answers and not make your trainer repeat answers. It is important to make sure the questions are relevant to work. Bonding with teammates is important but it isn’t always appropriate to do so in the office. Save it for coffees, lunches and after work drinks.

Go to lunch

If a new colleague invites you to lunch, or for a coffee or after work drinks, say yes. Not only is it a great way to get to know your team outside of work, but it also shows you’re a team player. Saying no to the first invitation may result in others not being offered.

Don’t be the first to leave

Even if they have only given you a few tasks to complete on your first day, it is always best not to be the first out of the door at 5pm.


Hopefully after reading this you feel prepared for your next step.
Best of luck!

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