Taking on a temp role can be a great way to get into a new company. You can build your skills, integrate yourself within the culture and, ideally, be offered a permanent role. There are times however where companies become lax in initiating the temp to perm process. For whatever reason, there are occasions where, as a temp, you may find yourself staying in a temp role for more than 12 months without discussions of permenancy.
Knowing how to handle this situation is imperative to your successful transition into a permanent role. There are a few do’s and don’ts that we will discuss to help you navigate your way to permanency.
Know your rights
If you have worked regular hours over the last 12 months within an organisation you are legally allowed to request to be made permanent. The organisation may say no if it requires a significant change to your hours or if they are not able to guarantee the position will still exist in the coming months. Knowing what constitutes a genuine reason and what is simply an excuse means that you have greater negotiating power and grounds for your request.
Talk to your recruiter
If you’re working through an agency, they are technically your employer. Discuss the situation with your recruiter first as they may know something you don’t. There may be a genuine reason why it hasn’t been discussed yet, perhaps there are performance concerns, budget restraint or discussions of ending the role. If there is no reason, then your recruiter can reach out on your behalf and make the request for you.
Talk to your direct manager
If you aren’t working through an agency, or if your consultant has advised this, talk to your manager. They will be the person to initiate the internal process of on-boarding you as a permanent staff member. While they might not be the key decision maker, they are the person who will be able to vouch for your hard work.
Go in unprepared
Similar to knowing your rights, also know what you want as a permanent employee. What are your salary expectations? When do you want to make the transition? Do you have any upcoming leave that may need to be unpaid? Knowing all these details will help you sound credible and professional when its crunch time.
Go directly to your manager’s manager
Your manager might not be able to make the final say. They may need sign off from their boss. It may seem logical to go straight to the decision maker. Don’t. In this instance, you don’t want your manager to think you’re phasing them out of the process or undermining their authority. Their manager will always ask their opinion and you don’t want your manager to be blindsided.
Give in too soon
You may be told that it isn’t possible right now or that it will be reviewed in a few months. If you have been there for over 12 months, be brave enough to push a little more. Ask for an action plan to be set in place. Ask about the indicators for when it will be possible. Don’t accept a brush off after 12 months of hard work. You deserve better.
If you’re looking at going permanent and want to discuss this further, get in touch now!