Welcome to 2017

Whilst any day is a good day to make a change or a resolution, there is always a flurry of activity come the New Year. No doubt, as 2017 ticked over, many of you made a vow to join the gym, to start eating healthily, to spend less money, to spend more time with loved ones…or a myriad of other promises.

Whilst we may not be able to assist with these motivations (as much as we would like to), a New Year is also a time when many people decide to make changes to their career – and with this, we might be able to help.

Here at Plan B we are constantly meeting people looking for a new start, and we have noticed that there are always a few common traits shared by stand out candidates. Here are some important observations we’ve made over the years:

1. Their CV is always tailored to the job description

Applying for jobs can be tiring, and sometimes de-motivating, we know, but it’s always important to craft each job application specifically to the role you are applying for. For one, it shows employers that you are applying for their job, not just ANY job. And secondly, these days it’s likely that your application will be screened by an automated tracking system, and no matter how qualified you may be, if you miss a few keys words, your CV will be immediately discarded. So, take the time to match your CV to the criteria, and always include a cover letter – many don’t, even when a job ad specifically asks for one.

2. They are always on time

Arriving to an interview is your chance to make a first impression, and whilst it’s important to never be late, it’s also important not to be too early. It’s likely the interviewer will have timed their day around yours (and others’) interview times, and being too early can disrupt their schedule.

3. They dress for the role

Your appearance says a lot about you, and it’s how people form a first impression. It’s important to appear neat, polished, and erring on the side of conservative. This includes make-up, hair, jewellery, shoes…and hygiene.

4. They follow up with a good call

Follow up your application with a short, smart & well-spoken phone call. This call might include one or two good questions about the role, and to state why they applied for that role in particular. Great language skills at this stage does wonders.

Good luck with the job search, and the rest of your 2017 resolutions.


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