What’s new here at Plan B

There has been quite a bit of movement over here at the Plan B offices – welcoming our new website, new staff member and a new office (kind of)!

First & foremost, here’s a word from our newest team member, Chantelle Gallow:

Hello! I am an energetic and passionate person with a degree in Psychology and HR. I understand the finer nuances of finding the right candidate for the right environment, and that a good candidate attitude is everything. I view work as an integral part of life where a candidate’s satisfaction in a role should not be compromised, and that an organisation should find the right fit culturally when hiring, not just in skill and experience. Outside of work, keeping fit is high on my priorities and being a true Melbournian – I obviously live for smashed avo and long blacks.

John is still in charge of things over here, recruiting and ensuring everything sails smoothly. Besides running around after his two little girls he has just finished hosting the third annual ‘Portsea Masters’ charity golf day which was a roaring success, raising hundreds of dollars for this year’s nominated charity – the National Stroke Foundation.

Having given the office an upgrade recently, Chantelle has noticed that John’s plants of choice have stayed unnaturally green without watering of any sort for weeks. Chantelle is now looking into some ‘real’ alternatives in relation to the office greenery. Watch this space!

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