Why Temp?

As a freelancer in the entertainment industry, things can be rather unpredictable. The thing is you’ve still got to work, yet have flexibility. Early on I realised that the hospitality industry wasn’t for me. Not only did it become quickly apparent that I am possibly the world’s worst waitress, but I’m also more of a lark than a night owl.

And so it was that I discovered the world of temping and it has served me well. I have been temping for well over 10 years and it has filled in those quiet times very nicely. My long standing relationship with Plan B Recruitment is testament to the fact that mutual support, trust and respect have been built. I remember when I first started I used to get a little nervous before entering a new place, probably more fear of the unknown than anything else. However the more I temped, the more confident I became and in time no matter the place, I knew I could fit in and give the support required. I remember working for an IT company that had a whole manual devoted to the dress code. It was very corporate, so I had to make sure I had the right clothes to look the part.

Nowadays, I don’t get butterflies instead I focus on building rapport with those I am working with which makes my time there more enjoyable as well as for those around me. I have found by building good relationships, those I am working trust me to the tasks at hand well.

The other advantage is that I have been able to meet so many different people and experience many different environments. It’s always interesting to see how each company operates. If you’re like me, and like variety then temping is ideal. You learn so much along the way and can even make news friends!


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