Are you TEMPted to become permanent?

“Temps”, also known as freelancers, consultants and contractors are hired by companies when they need short-term workers. Or “temps” may be hired by organisations as a ‘try before you buy’ method. Whilst there is no assurance that these positions will develop into permanent ones, it is possible if you play your cards right.

Clearly there are those are seeking out temporary work deliberately. They may want project work, the work-life balance, have certain skills suited to temporary roles and enjoy the variety of employees, or they want to get to know certain employers for future reference and the networking.

It works both ways. In times of uncertainty and volatility in the marketplace, temps can offer the employer flexibility and savings, whilst also providing them with the opportunity of taking on temps as permanent employees creating continuity and that advantage of not having to re-hire and re-train. Temps are also great for project work.

When you are seeking work, a contract position is a good way to become employed. Ultimately working as a temporary employee you have the benefit of being on the ‘inside’ and getting to know the right people and more about the organization and the role and you have that opening of making a positive impression. This is an obvious advantage over external candidates applying for permanent roles within the organisation.

If you are TEMPted to go permanent, some tips to get you there are:

• Network – networking is a great way to land a job and keep a job! Always keep in touch with your contacts.
• Get to know the company – research and ask questions, be part of the team, understand the culture and goals.
• Get to know your colleagues when temping – build relationships with your colleagues and managers.
• Exceed expectations – To get noticed, look for simple ways to surpass good service.
• Communicate – ensure you keep the lines of communication open with all parties involved in your contract.
• Be patient – don’t be pushy and or too keen, think of it like a relationship – Don’t ask them to marry you on the first date!

If you are interested in a permanent role through ‘temping’ always chat to your recruitment consultant about the opportunities, plant the seed and if there is an opportunity they can help you. Take it seriously and impress that prospective employer!

For extra tips and advice, chat to one of our friendly consultants at Plan B Recruitment.

Good luck.

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