The cost of recruiting yourself.

To handle the process of recruiting yourself or outsource to a recruitment specialist? That is the question.

There are arguments for both sides, but at Plan B Recruitment we have seen this first hand and know the pitfalls, actual cost and inherent complications of doing it on your own.

Firstly we need to look at recruitment as an investment, not a one off cost.

Investing in quality staff is paramount to any organisation.

Traditionally there are two types of clients for a recruitment organisation. Those clients who put in their first call to you as soon as they have a vacancy and those who make the call once they have tried recruiting themselves, without success.

Actual costs and time for an organisation recruiting themselves include such items as ensuring gthe job description is up to date, writing an advert, placing and paying for the advert and then sifting through, more often than not, a huge number of inappropriate applications. Then there is the process of weeding out the good from the bad. Shorlisting, making these calls, devising interview questions, interviewing… the list goes on and on.

In many companies this means falling behind with other work and therefore increasing the cost and lowering productive work time.

When you recruit by yourself, there is no database, no guarantee and no replacement, in the unlikely event that things don’t work out. And the turnaround time is arduous and lengthy.

The upside of using a recruitment specialist; is just that! You are using a specialist. Using someone who does this every day and has a database and network of experienced, suitable candidates they can put forward to you from that initial phone call. The turnaround time alone is enough to take this option.

If the specialist does not have someone specific in mind from that first call, a database search can usually fix that! Or a traditional advertisement, whereby your recruitment specialist handles everything from start to finish and you are presented with 2 or 3 quality candidates for your picking.

When you have a job vacancy, you need to weigh up the options. Do you really have the time and money to do this yourself? Do you have a recruitment specialist you trust? Do they provide guarantees and quality candidates?

We recommend to write your list of pros and cons.

We strongly believe using your recruiter of choice is an investment.

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